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Shuttle Service Alternative


The Shuttle Service parking is located on Little League Drive near Palm Avenue and Kendall Drive along the I-215. It will provide around 3,000 parking spots, 90 lots for accessible parking and 50 lots for electric charging stations. 






















The shuttle service will provide a shuttle route to CSU San Bernadino. The one-way drive from Parking to Campus is approximately 10 min with 1 stop at SBX OmniTrans Station (which connects to San Bernardino Transit center) and 3 stops within CSUSB campus to increase accessibility to multiple locations on campus.

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Shuttle Service Bus Route Map: 

Traffic Analysis

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The traffic team performed a traffic analysis for this alternative using Synchro 10 and forecasted traffic volumes from the San Bernardino County Traffic Analysis Model (SBTAM) and the Southern California Association of Governments model (SCAG) and using the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition standards for the level of service (LOS). The proposed alternative with parking and shuttle service incorporates Palm/Kendall project’s preferred alternative and also adds three new intersections. Some key items worth noting for this alternative are the reduction of the traffic delay time and improvements of LOS on intersections along University Parkway. However, due to the new implementation of the Shuttle Service and trips it will generate along Palm Ave, we see LOS worsen and delays increase. More specifically on intersections 2 and 3.

Geometric Feasibility

The shuttle service alternative that is proposed consists of a parking lot containing 3,000 parking spots, 90 spots for accessible parking and 50 spots for electric charging stations. The shuttle service is a simple alternative that puts a parking lot in an area that has not been developed and therefore has a low impact on the existing conditions of the project site and it does not create a new access point at Campus Pkwy. It does not have any features that impede maneuverability or greatly affect the area around it so the alternative is geometrically feasible. The alternative also includes the preferred alternative of the Palm/Kendall senior project team. 

Impact Evaluation

The simple design of the shuttle service makes it more environmentally friendly compared to other alternatives due to the project site not being already developed. The project site is located within a 100-year floodplain but to address these issues a NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) permit is required and the first level must be constructed 2 feet above the flood plain which as been taken into account with the design. In addition, proper drainage will be implemented in the design and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan as outlined by SBCFCD (San Bernardino County Flood Control District) will be created. Due to the project site located parallel to residential homes a sound wall is to be considered due to the noise that may come during and after construction along with a possible sound analysis for the area.























There are three different particular species (shown above) that have been identified that require proper mitigation techniques. Proper mitigation techniques such as relocation of a species are thought to be the best tactic not only ensure the completion of this project, but also the safety and prosperity of the species. Some possible permits needed would be an incidental take permit for the San Bernardino kangaroo rat or a voucher collection permit for endangered plants for relocation.





Detailed Design 

The Shuttle Service Alternative is more than a simple parking lot it is a destination for students and residents of San Bernardino to meet and relax.

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With around 100,000 Sq-ft for reserved for business and restaurant, the shuttle service will promote business development in the area as well as provide a location for students to rest and eat while waiting. If a customer wants to stop and eat, the business will be able to validate their parking. 

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The Shuttle Service alternative went through all steps done while reviewing possible alternatives - Alternative Scoping, Traffic Analysis, and Geometric Design. It was considered as one of the three viable alternative design through all of the aspects mentioned in detail above. It also passed the traffic analysis, geometric feasibility, and impact evaluation steps and was considered viable for detailed design. All documents and deliverables pertaining to this design can be found under the Project Deliverables Tab.

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